Train Journeys



I took my Netbook with me on my trip to Bristol and made the most of my time on the 4 hour train journey back home today to write most of my Powerpoint Presentation  for my Affordable Life Coaching  Group which is next Wednesday.  Ironically the talk is about Work-Life Balance, so I was definitely making the most of my time!

I will also be using a flip chart to make sure I get everyones’ ideas down on paper about work-life balance issues in their own lives (the most valuable part of presentation in my opinion).

As it’s a very beautiful journey home, I did look out of the window every so often and I also saw a very enthusiastic tourist snapping away with his camera at the beautiful spots I was missing – amazing coastal views, a dramatic bridge crossong – even a seam train letting off steam!

‘Wake up and smell the roses’ comes to mind!