Second Coaching Cafe tonight (14 May 2015)



Tonight 14 May 2015 at 5.30pm – 7.30pm we have our second Coaching Cafe at Scarlet Wines, Restaurant, Deli & Cafe in Lelant (near St Ives).

Last month, the group of eight of us seemed to instantly connect and we talked generally about life issues, even offering support and advice when needed. We also spent around half an hour discussing the month’s film which was The Second Exotic Marigold Hotel (this brought up many issues like retirement, women and work to name just two!

Tonight, we will be catching up on our month’s achievements, have a general discussion and then discuss ‘film of the month’ – which was Woman In Gold, starring Helen Mirren.

I don’t know about you, but it’s always lovely to discuss a film, as some films have all sorts of themes in them. When you’re reading a book, or watching a film for a purpose, it makes the issues somehow come out at you more dramatically. I can’t wait for tonight to get the group together and maybe say hello to some new faces

If you’re interested in coming along contact me (Stacey Halfyard), Life Coach, via or 07985 959510