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Here is what I’ll be covering in this month’s workshops and Coaching Café.

Tuesday 22 September
Clarence House, Penzance 10.30am – 12pm
The next workshop will run on Tuesday 22 September and the topic is Life Change. Do you want change in your life, like a new job, new home, new study? Or is change being imposed on you by events like redundancy, divorce, family growing up and moving away?
Experience the power that life coaching can bring in these workshops, which is to give you greater clarity, more direction and energy. The workshop is from 10.30am – 12pm at Clarence House, Penzance. To include informal presentation, group discussion and one-to-one practice. Handouts included. From £5 for your first session.
To book a place on this workshop, or find out more about it, please contact Stacey on 07985 959510 or

Thursday 24th September
Tregenna Castle, St Ives : 12pm – 1.30pm
The workshop on 24 September at 12pm -1.30pm at Tregenna Castle is about careers; do you fancy a change? How do you start to look for that ideal job? To include group discussion, one-to-one coaching, handouts and action plan
Previous participants say the workshops are “inspiring”, “informative” and “magical”. From £5 per session (first session is at this introductory rate)
Great venue. Teas and coffees available.
Book your place on this popular workshop by contacting Stacey on 07985 959510 or Pre-booking essential as spaces limited
Coaching Café – Scarlet Wines, Lelant (near Wyevale garden centre)
Thursday 8th October 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Coaching Café details:
The next meet up will be Thursday October 8th ; meeting at 5.30pm – 7.30pm, Scarlet Wines, Lelant.
The topic for October is: How you can get a more fulfilling life by doing less: discussing mindfulness, sharing ideas & experiences.
Please RSVP to book your place. Just £5 booking fee to guarantee your place, which includes a free cup of tea/coffee/juice or wine. Feel free to purchase a snack as well.
Book your place through St Ives & Penzance Affordable Coaching MeetUps. , email :; or phone 07985 959510 . Limited places